Advisor attendees of the Summit are eligible to join our 3½-hour ESG(k) Certificate Bootcamp, on Sunday, April 7, and earn their certificate, courtesy of our partners at Natixis Investment Managers. During the registration process, please be sure to include this ‘Session’ in your selection to indicate your interest in attending and reserve a seat. If you’ve already registered and wish to add the ESG(k) bootcamp, please contact for assistance in updating your existing registration.
What is NAPA’s ESG(k) Certificate?
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments dominate the headlines and fund flows these days. And yet, despite growing interest from participants and curiosity from plan sponsors, there are lingering questions about benchmarks, fiduciary standards, and the implications of shifting regulatory policy. Let’s face it: There’s a lot to unpack in order to help your clients manage their ERISA fiduciary obligations.
NAPA has you covered with a new education program: The Environmental, Social, and Governance 401(k) (ESG(k)) Certificate Program.
Armed with this information – and backed by a certificate from the nation’s leading retirement education resource – you’ll gain fluency in ESG principles, strategies, and screening. You’ll also gain insight on common questions and concerns, you’ll know what questions to ask in assessing ESG investments, and you’ll learn how to talk about the benefits and risks of ESG investments for retirement plans.
What will the NAPA ESG(k) Bootcamp consist of?
The Fundamentals of ESG Investing
ESG Investing: The Advisor’s Process
Putting ESG into Practice with Clients and Prospects
NAPA ESG(k) Bootcamp:
Sunday, April 7
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
For additional information about the certificate program, please visit